Grooming Advice for Class,Competitions and Exams

Excellent grooming is equally important in class, exams and competitions.
Below are some guidelines to help you look your best all the time.

A classical ballet bun is appropriate for any class as it ensures no distractions. For some competitions and exams hair will be more elaborate and your teachers will be able to show you how to do it.

Hair essentials:

Strong hair bobbles
Small hai elastics
Hair net
Hair grips
Hair pins
Water spray
Hair spray
Hair brush
Tail comb

Classical Ballet Bun

  1. Use the water spray to dampen your hair
  2. Brush your hair into a neat tidy straight back ponytail with no lumps or fly aways and secure it at the back of the head with a strong bobble. The position of the bun should be nearer the crown of the head but not too high. A perfect bun should not be seen from the front.
  3. Twist the ponytail around itself to create the bun shape. Flatten it with your hand and secure with a couple of pins (not grips) then put the hair net around the bun (sometimes twice depending on the size of the net).
  4. Before securing the bun with more pins please ensure it is flat and does not stick out from the back of the head. The best way to secure the pins is to face them away from the bun at the edge and push them in and under twisting them towards the bun.
  5. Secure any fly away bits with hair grips especially behind the ears and at the neck and finish with hairspray.

Side parting bun (twisted front)

  1. First create a side parting over the right eye using a tail comb.
  2. then part each side from the side parting to the ear so you end up with 2 sections at the front of the head and one large section at the back.
  3. As before secure the large section into a pony tail at the back of the head.
  4. Take each parting and start twisting from the top of the head until towards and around  the pony tail and secure with hair grips.
  5. repeat steps 3-5 from the classical bun section ensuring the end form the twisted section are pinned under the bun as well.
Make up

No make up is allowed in class or exams except for Major Examinations. 
Make up for competitions is stage make up and is much stronger than your every day make up.

Below you will find an easy way for a neutral stage make up look that will suit most dances.
Some of your solos may have a character theme or colour scheme to it and your teacher will tell you how to have your make up.


Foundation slightly darker than your skin tone 
Powder to set the foundation
False eye lashes (seniors)
Liquid eye liner
Medium and dark brown eyeshadow
White highlighter eyeshadow
White eye pencil

Highly recommended: NYX pencils in Milk (great highlighter)

  1. Start by washing and moisturising your face then apply foundation and blend well into the hair and neck line.
  2. Set the foundation with powder.
  3. Apply medium brown eyeshadow to the brows to enhance them.
  4. Apply medium brown eye shadow all over the lid
  5. Apply dark brown eyeshadow in the corners an the crease of the eye. This should be quite dark.
  6. Apply the white highlighter across the top of the lid and underneath the brow bone
  7. Starting at the middle of the lid outwards draw your eyeliner beyond the outer corners of the eye.
  8. Draw another line just underneath the lower lid outwards then apply white highlighter in the gap between the two lines.
  9. Finish with false eyelashes ( if using) and black mascara
  10. Apply blusher on the cheek bones and the jaw line.
  11. Apply a rich red lipstick.


Uniform should be clean and free from holes.
You must wear the correct uniform for each class. If you do not have the correct uniform you may be asked to watch the class.

Ballet shoes and ribbons

For ballet exams you must wear satin ballet shoes. Ribbons are required from Grade 1 onwards. Please use pointe shoe ribbon as it is much easier to tie. It now comes in narrow width for smaller feet and ankles.
Below is a video link of how to correctly tie your ballet ribbons.

Uniform list for class and examinations:

Ballet/Tap Rosettes: 
  • Marine blue leotard
  • Marine blue chiffon skirt
  • Pink ballet socks or white tap socks
  • Pink ballet shoes with elastic or black tap shoes with heel and toe taps
Ballet Preparatory and Primary
  • Marine blue leotard
  • Marine blue chiffon skirt
  • Pink ballet socks 
  • Pink ballet shoes with elastic 
Ballet Grade 1-4
  • Black Angela Leotard
  • Black wrap over georgette skirt (Grade 1 only)
  • Pink ballet socks Grade 1,2,+3, Pink ballet tights Grade 4
  • Pink ballet shoes (must be satin and have ribbons for exams)
  • Ballet belt (White Grade 2, Pale blue Grade 3, Red Grade 4)

Ballet Grade 5 and above
  • Navy Blue Nichola Duo Leotard
  • Pink ballet tights
  • Pink ballet shoes (must be satin and have ribbons for exams)

Tap Preparatory and Primary
  • Marine blue leotard
  • Marine blue tap skirt
  • White tap socks
  • Black Tap shoes with tele tone heel and toe taps
Tap Grade 1+2
  • Black Angela Leotard
  • Black Tap skirt Grade 1/ Black Cotton Lycra Jazz pants Grade 2
  • White tap socks Grade 1/ Black socks Grade 2
  • Black Tap shoes with tele tone heel and toe taps
Tap Grade 3 +
  • Grade leotard
  • Black Jazz Pants
  • Black socks
  • Black Tap shoes with tele tone heel and toe taps
Modern Jazz Rosettes 
  • Marine blue leotard
  • Black leggings
  • Bare feet
Modern Jazz Prep-Grade 2
  • Blue Gemma Duo Unitard
  • Bare feet
Modern Jazz Grade 3-5
  • Pink Gemma Duo Unitard
  • Bare feet
  • Acro Uniform leotard
  • optional black hot pants or leggings
  • bare feet
Musical Theatre/Theatre Craft Rosettes
  • Marine Blue leotard
  • Black leggings
  • Pink Ballet socks
  • Pink ballet shoes with elastic
Musical Theatre/Theatre Craft Prep-Grade 1
  • Marine Blue leotard
  • Marine blue en basque skirt
  • TUESDAY CLASS ONLY: Lilac dress
  • Pink Ballet socks
  • Pink ballet shoes with elastic
Musical Theatre/Theatre Craft Grade 2+
  • Navy Nichola Leotard
  • Tan fishnet tights
  • Pink Canvas ballet shoes with elastic
  • Tan Junior Footlights heeled character shoes (Grade 2+ only)

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